Dual language game ENG/PT-BR

Blackout é sobre Emma e Marie, duas pacientes do hospital psiquiátrico São Jeremias. Durante um backout, onde os pacientes são colocados no pátio interno do local, Marie se machuca e Emma tenta levá-la para a enfermaria. Porém, as jovens acabam presenciando um evento estranho, ao tentarem fugir ficam presas em um corredor do prédio. Agora, resta apenas procurar por pistas de como sair desse lugar e voltar ao pátio.

Blackout is about Emma and Marie, two patients at the Saint Jeremy Psychiatric Hospital. During a blackout, the patients are taken to the courtyard, Marie gets hurt and Emma tries to take her to the infirmary. However, they end up witnessing a strange event. Running away they end up stuck in a hallway. Now they have to look for clues to leave the building and get back to the courtyard.

Made for Yuri Game Jam 2021, special thanks to @monocpuma, for our 2nd project together!

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
TagsHorror, Lesbian, LGBTQIA, Queer, Romance, RPG Maker, terror


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Problema resolvido, obg ;)

que bom que deu certo \o/

Agora fiquei travada na parte da senha do Computador da Secretária ;-;


senhas -> 296 - 411604 -  118413

Obrigada pela ajuda, sozinha eu não teria conseguido rs

Só fiquei triste por ter terminado tão rápido ;-;

esse tem 2 finais, sai da secretaria sem ver os arquivos dos pacientes /o/ logo eu farei mais jogos, espero que goste \o/

estou com dificuldades na hora de extrair o game. sabe oq pode ser?

Baixei aqui, extraí, deu tudo certo. Vc pode jogar no browser tbm. Se continuar tendo problema me fala que eu faço um link da pasta pra vc ;D

Deleted 228 days ago

yaaaaaaaaaaay glad you liked *----*

HELP!!!! WHAT ARE THE PATIENT CODES?!?!?! i tried names and turned them in codes as in the oin board, but I don't get it....:(


411604 and 118413, that was a hard one, they were originally "4K6D" and "1R4M". Hope you have fun!

I would have Never guessed!!! Thank you so much! I really loved the concept and story along with the puzzles. You did an amazing job.                       <3<3<3

thank you very much! The codes were hidden somewhere I don't remember, lol! Glad you enjoyed it, I'll work on more games soon!




I couldn't figure out how to set the language to English. :(

After you click "Novo jogo" there is a prompt asking you to choose the language. I'll remember to make this clear next time!

Really interesting story, I didn't expect that ending!


thanks! Mono-Puma and I will be working on more similar stories! :D

Gosh. I love the game so much and  plot twist was just shocking. Thanks for the game


Got both endings! I loved the game and Marie is adorable. I'm also very happy for the developers being brazilian, pátria amada 

Spooky and fun! I’m not sure if I got the best ending, but I enjoyed what I played. Thanks for making and sharing it!

(1 edit)

I tried to play the game but I'm definitely stuck on the left side of the room that needs 4 numbers code but I opened it for a couple of minutes. However, I don't know if there's another ending if I did access the patient's files on the computer (it is still difficult and doesn't have many clues to access) but I got the ending wherein I stabbed Carl (that it should not suppose to be?)

The game was superb and has a lot to offer! I want to explore the whole area of the game soon.

Hi! Thank you very much for playing, a bug was found that prevented some players from getting a crucial item, it's fixed now. About the patient's files... A second playthrough is a good way to fish this information /o/

They are 4 chars codes as in _ _ _ _ that you find in the first part of the game, before locking the door. Then your brain must work them to 8 digits \o\

Interesting game with a cool story, I was kinda hesitant because I lost faith in the "Mental hospital" setting but this is a refreshing take and gotta say the most amazing point about this game is the incredible puzzles it has. I been playing indie games for a while now and this game has one of the best puzzles I have ever seen.

Great job!


Thanks, it's really good to know we are going in the right direction with something we love. I'm very happy that you had fun, you just made my day!